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Our Services

Secretarial Services


Every enterprise incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability is required to appoint directors and a company secretary in accordance with Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32, Law of Hong Kong) in order to fulfill the statutory requirement and maintain the operations of enterprise.

The Company Secretary is an official post, which is responsible for reporting the structure and any changes of key management of enterprise to the Companies Registry. In addition, production of board minutes, convocation of shareholders' annual general meeting and provision of professional consultation on relevant laws and regulations are also required.

We offer comprehensive secretarial services so as to avoid the embarrassment and perplexity at the time of confront regulations of our clients. We also take responsibilities on the compliance of our clients over the terms of Companies Ordinance, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Companies (Forms) Regulations, Business Registration Ordinance, Stamp Duty Ordinance and Code of Liquidation, etc.. Publication for new and revised ordinance will also be delivered on an irregular basis in order to update clients, as well as avoidance of misunderstanding or unnecessary penalty.


Company Formation


In order to maximize assets wealth and minimize business risk, a suitable form of entity should be considered meticulously for whom intend to start their business. In Hong Kong, the general forms of enterprise are sole-proprietorship, partnership and company limited by shares.


Most enterprises will select limited company as their business structure in view of various advantages such as tax benefits relief, greater feasibilities and limitation of shareholders' risk.


We offer a one-step formation services to our clients, both on Hong Kong company and Offshore company. Starting from selection of company name to open of bank account, you can simply give out the instructions and relevant information to us so as to create your entity easily and smoothly.

Registered Address


Under Section 92 (1) of the Companies Ordinance of the Laws of Hong Kong, every limited company must have a registered office in Hong Kong for maintaining statutory records of the company and receipt of acknowledging government's correspondence.


We provide registered office service and virtual office to clients who want to set up a company but have not hired an office in Hong Kong.
We will receive mail from the government or banks. We will advise you to pick up or courier them to you at your expenses;
We will provide advisory service to your company on registered address matters;
We charge separately on all other works that we have to do in the capacity of being your registered address.

Our Service includes:
-A registered office of the company to be registered with relevant Hong Kong Government departments
-Receive letters or parcels from the Government Departments and Banks
-Receive letters or parcels from your customers
-Customers can make use of the registered office at their letter paper and business cards
-Phone answering services by professional secretary with individual phone number


Accounting and Bookkeeping


We provide high level assurance of accountancy works over different types of industry. In order to give our clients a proper understanding on the financial issue, we provide professional analysis and advice with supplementary financial reports.


We offer clients the accountancy services, ranging from recording transactions to preparation of individual and consolidated financial statements, as follows:

- Use appropriate accounting software for recording transactions
- Prepare financial statements on a timely basis
- Provide breakdown for the purpose of auditing
- Assist the establishment and improvement of enterprise's accounting system


Most clients require their accountancy works to be prepared on a monthly basis in order to give a sharp and effective image of understanding. However, some may choose to prepare on a quarterly, half-year or annual basis.





Auditing is statutory requirement for a limited liability company to enjoy the privilege of "limited liability".

We can help to arrange the work be carried out in the most cost effective and efficient way. 
Moreover, we aim at delivery of value-added service to remind client on management control weakness as spotted during the work.




We provide a full range of comprehensive taxation consultancy and advisory services for our local and international clients. 


Our experience and expertise on the taxation regimes of Hong Kong and the Mainland China help to identify issues that are relevant to your business operations, so that tax concessions can be better utilized to effectively reduce liabilities and enhance your business profitability. 


Our wide range of services includes corporation tax filings, individual tax filing, tax planning and tax investigation advisory and support.


Contact Us

CJ Group Corporate Services Limited

Tel: (+852) 2398 0900

Fax: (+852) 2398 0911

Address​​​​​​: 2/F, Shui Yee Factory Building, 15 Ash Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong



Associated Companies

CJ Group Immigration Consulting Company Limited



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